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October 2010

October 2010

News OCTOBER 2010 PRESENTATION AND PLACEMENT OF 3 ILLUSTRATIVE POSTERS IN THE SAND DUNES “LA ADELFA” BAHÍA DE MARBELLA One more step towards the total protection The aim of placing these 3 new posters in the dunes “La Adelfa” is to bring the public closer to the...
November 2010

November 2010

News NOVIEMBER 2010 ECO-TOURISM ON THE COAST OF MARBELLA GUIDED TOURS AROUND THE SAND DUNES “LA ADELFA” OF BAHÍA DE MARBELLA For the second consecutive summer, the collaboration between the Pro-Dunas  Association and the French Tourism Agency, has had once more a...
December 2010

December 2010

News DECEMBER 2010 DEMARCATION OF BOUNDARIES WITH MARKERS ALONG THE COAST AND DUNES OF MARBELLA The Coastal Demarcation Authority Andalucía-Mediterráneo is carrying out the signalling of the Maritime Terrestrial Public Domain (D.P.M.T.) along the coast of Marbella...