Companies – Hotels – Neighbourhood Associations – Associations + Volunteering
Working days:
1º- Eradication of invasive exotic species.
2º- Transplanting of autochthonous shrubs
3º- Helping to put up stakes and sisal rope
4º- Cleaning and collection of plastics on the beaches and dune areas.
Collaborating in Environmental Days means:
– Actions aimed at employees and their families of a company, Neighbourhood communities, Associations, Volunteers.
– Enthusing citizens about nature in the dunes.
– To teach people to value the ‘Natural Heritage’ on the coast of Marbella.
– To promote the understanding of the ‘Natural Values’ in the dunes.
– To make people feel part of a beautiful and complex biodiversity close to their work or home.
– Cleaning and maintenance of the dune areas.
– Eradication of invasive flora: Cat’s Claw (Carpobrotus edulis) and others.
– Support scientific, educational and social studies
– Deepen the study of the autochthonous flora and small wild fauna through observation.
The Association Pro Dunas Marbella, counts on the disinterested collaboration of numerous schools, institutes, private companies, individuals and members, to carry out an enormous amount of maintenance work in the dune areas. Basically it is based on:
– Periodic eradication of invasive exotic species (IAS).
– Replanting of autochthonous bush flora.
– Cleaning and removal of waste in the dunes
Below is a list of the Association’s active collaborators.
We would like to thank all of them.
One of the most important field work of the Pro Dunas Association is the eradication of invasive exotic plants.
Invasive exotic plants have generally been introduced by humans in places outside their natural distribution area and have managed to establish and spread in native areas where they are harmful. An invasive species is harmful if it causes significant changes in the composition, structure or processes of natural or semi-natural ecosystems, threatening native biological diversity (in species diversity, diversity within populations or ecosystem diversity).
Natural or human-caused changes in ecosystems around the globe have redistributed plant and animal species accidentally or voluntarily. As a consequence of these changes, certain species behave invasively in their natural or introduced locality, with altered or degraded habitats being more susceptible. Once an invasion is detected, its control and eradication is costly and not always possible.
Identifying invasive alien plants and preventing their introduction is the best way to curb a problem that is increasing at the same rate as globalisation.
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Asociación ProDunas Marbella
The Association works tirelessly for the defence and preservation of the unique ecosystems that survive in the natural sand dune environments in the Province of Málaga; promotes the protection of native flora and small wildlife; promotes recovery, rehabilitation and conservation of interesting biodiversity of sand dunes areas in the municipality of Marbella.