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June 2010

June 2010

News JUNE 2010 WE PLEAD FOR CHANGE OF CRITERIA IN THE PROTECTION EASEMENT FOR THE LOSS OF BEACHES AND LOSS OF MARITIME-TERRESTRIAL PUBLIC DOMAIN We gather the testimony of a large number of citizens that are worried about the continuous loss of coastal area that they...
July 2010

July 2010

News JULY 2010 WE RECEIVED THE VISIT OF . . . More than 50 students of the first grade of Higher Secondary Education and some of the second grade of Secondary Education from the IES MARQUÉS DE COMARES Secondary School in Lucena (Cordoba), they have had the opportunity...
August 2010

August 2010

News AUGUST 2010 SEA TURTLE “ADELFA” HAS BEEN FREED 36º38.3702’N – 004º23.9557’W Four long years have been necessary for the sea turtle (Caretta Caretta turtle), named “Adelfa” by the Association Pro Dunas  in honour of the place where she had been...
September 2010

September 2010

News SEPTEMBER 2010 DAY OF COASTAL ACTION  AND CLEANING OF THE “LA ADELFA”-BEACH BAHÍA DE MARBELLA Great participation in the annual Day of keeping clean the beach and dune of  “La Adelfa” of Bahía de Marbella. We wish to express our thanks to all who have actively...
October 2010

October 2010

News OCTOBER 2010 PRESENTATION AND PLACEMENT OF 3 ILLUSTRATIVE POSTERS IN THE SAND DUNES “LA ADELFA” BAHÍA DE MARBELLA One more step towards the total protection The aim of placing these 3 new posters in the dunes “La Adelfa” is to bring the public closer to the...