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June 2008

June 2008

News JUNE 2008 RESOLUTION TO BAN THE TRAPPING OF FRINGILIDAE BIRDS THROUGH THE TERRITORY WITH SAND DUNES OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF MARBELLA On 15th May, 2008 we have made a new plea to the Authorities of the Department of the Environment of the Andalusian Government, not...
July 2008

July 2008

News JULY 2008 HELICHRYSUM STOECHAS (Curry plant) + NATIONAL PLAN OF FIRE PREVENTION PROGRAMMES  Every summer, from June to October, huge efforts are made, included our Association, to protect nature from potential disasters caused by fire. Therefore, it is worth to...
August 2008

August 2008

News AUGUST 2008 Resolution 2008 banning the capture of Fringilid birds. One more year, we have been able to persuade the General Board of Management of Nature of the Council for the Environment of the Junta de Andalucia (Regional Government), to show a particular...
September 2008

September 2008

News SEPTEMBER 2008 DAY OF CLEANING UP AND ERADICATION OF THE INVASIVE PLANT Highway Ice Plant / Red Hottentot (Carpobrotus edulis), in the dunes of Bahia de Marbella, Marbella 21st August, 2008 Once more summer, the Association has called upon its Members and nature...
October 2008

October 2008

News OCTOBER 2008 RUBBLE AND DOG-EXCREMENTS – APPEAL TO EVERYONE The summer holidays have come to an end, bringing back some peace to the area of the dunes, where nature has regrettably suffered the abuse and pressure from people for weeks, to a much greater...