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July 2018

July 2018

News JULY 2018 WIND CATCHERS – The Miracle that Creates Dunes Here is photographic proof that the methods COSTAS is taking are effective in dune areas – this photo is of the El Arenal dune. In other dune areas – Río Real and La Adelfa – you can see the...
June 2018

June 2018

News JUNE 2018 5TH JUNE – WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY PRODUNAS ANNOUNCES THAT IT HAS BECOME A PROTECTOR OF THE KENTISH PLOVER (Charadrius alexandrinus) This beautiful small bird is in danger of extinction because its habitat in Marbella (and elsewhere) is mainly on...
May 2018

May 2018

News MAY 2018 HYBRID DUNES FOR PROTECTING THE BEACHES In parts of Catalonia they are creating hybrid dunes (artificial dunes) thanks to the European Union’s OPERAs project (Operational Potential Of Ecosystem Research Applications), because they have come to realize...
April 2018

April 2018

News   APRIL 2018 VALUATION OF THE DAMAGES CAUSED BY THE STORMS OF MARCHAT THE ECOLOGICAL RESERVE AND THE NATURAL MONUMENT “DUNAS DE ARTOLA”  Once again nature lashes the Marbella coastline. The S-SW winds blew directly on shore and affected all stretches of the...
March 2018

March 2018

News MARCH 2018 EXHIBITION OF PAINTINGS IN THE CORTIJO DE MIRAFLORES CULTURAL CENTRE The Delegation of Culture of Marbella Town Hall has given us the opportunity of exhibiting Rini Antonissen’s paintings at the CORTIJO DE MIRAFLORES Cultural Centre between 7th...