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January 2017

January 2017

News JANUARY 2017 SAND CANONS TO GET THE COAST BACK IN MARBELLA The December 2016 storm has swallowed tons of sand from the beaches and dunes of Marbella. All this sand has been dumped on the sandbanks just about less half a mile offshore. We have suggested to the...
February 2017

February 2017

News FEBRUARY 2017 A VISIT FROM THE UNIVERSITY OF AVILA It was a pleasure to welcome a group of University students from the Catholic University of Ávila who are studying for a Master’s Degree to become: “Experts in the Defence and Conservation of Nature”....
March 2017

March 2017

News MARCH 2017 NO DUNES, NO BEACHES! This is the slogan which introduces the new era of the ProDunas Association. New campaigns and social networks will spread the message and show the importance of our Natural heritage and the tireless, ongoing work we do....
April 2017

April 2017

News APRIL 2017 PRO DUNAS VISITS THE MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT IN MADRID We requested this meeting to plead for the rehabilitation of the Marbella coastline and the dunes east of Marbella. The recent winter storms have left an “ecological disaster” the likes...
May 2017

May 2017

News MAY 2017 NO TO PLASTIC BUCKETS IN THE DUNES Dune ecosystems do not want experiments! For many years and together with schoolchildren we have reforested in different dune areas of the Ecological Reserve of Marbella with more than 6,000 seedlings, supplied by the...