TODAY we are sending out an SOS concerning the Exotic Animals Recovery Centre and Zoo in Castellar de la Frontera.
This zoo is located just 70 km west of Marbella. The lockdown because of Covid-19 which has kept all potential visitors away has really hurt the zoo financially.
This zoo was set up as a Rescue Centre by private initiative to provide shelter and survival for exotic animals confiscated by the authorities because of irregularities in their import licenses. These animals are the direct and innocent victims of a black market, which unfortunately is a flourishing business.
During the lockdown we have all shown our support for those who need our help. Let’s lend a hand to this zoo in Castellar de la Frontera, and help out with some money, no matter how little, until it can be reopened for visitors.
Here is the Centre’s link: >
The animals will appreciate any help you can give. It will guarantee their survival.
Many thanks
To everyone who, day by day, watches over our health, often putting their own on the line:
Many thanks
2020 has proven to us that superheroes do not always wear capes. They are ordinary people with ordinary jobs, people like you and me, but who in emergencies change utterly, leaving aside their own fears and needs.
From ProDunas we want to thank you for all the work you are doing to take care of us in the most generous and closest of ways. Your essential professionalism shows in the personal support you give to those affected by this disease and those in lockdown. This situation should teach us all to appreciate what we have.
ProDunas wants to send everyone who is affected by the virus a very warm message of encouragement. You are very courageous and strong. It won’t be long until all this is a thing of the past and it will be nothing more than a science fiction story we can tell our grandchildren. We will get through this together. You are not alone; we think of you all the time and we support you in your fight even if it has to be from a distance. We can best help you by staying at home. That way you will get better and faster.
And for everyone in lockdown, we want to cheer you up and try to brighten your days. We can’t go to see you but we have thought of different things the whole family can do together. You can find these suggestions on our website.
The thousands of doctors, health care personnel, volunteers, as well as the UME and the Security Forces are right now in the front line, but when the worst has passed and the lockdown is over, we ordinary people will be the reinforcements that will, little by little, get the country back to normal. It is up to us to stay in shape (mentally, psychologically and physically) so that we can live up to the standard these superheroes have shown us.
Keep smiling! Remember – we’re all in this together.
With our appreciation and gratitude,
The ProDunas team
ProDunas wants to feel useful these days, so we has set out to design a page on our website with suggestions to liven up the day to day grind during these weeks of lockdown.
We will publish suggestions for people of all ages: reading material, films and drawings, so that the especially the smallest ones in the house can, for example, spend some time colouring in the drawings. We are thinking of all the children who are stuck at home. This way they can learn something about the Marbella dunes.
If you would like to take part, please colour the drawings in this page and send them back by email to: Please indicate the name and age of the child, and the school s/he goes to. When our lives get back to normal, we will publish the drawings on this same page – we will consult with the Teachers and put together an evaluation Jury with those who would like to help. We look forward to receiving your drawings and we hope you like this idea.
If there is another category you would like us to include, please send us an email with your suggestion: – we will try to include it the following weeks.
Pictures to colour
Hanmade crafts
Someone has said that The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is, above all, a memoir. And indeed, the account of the things that happen to Tom Sawyer in that small town on the banks of the Mississippi may well be a remembrance of Mark Twain’s childhood. Through the eyes of his characters, the author offers us the vision of a double reality: that of the infantile, primitive world that the adult reader has already lost, and that of the adult, confused and illogical world, based on conventions that are not in any way preferable to the value codes of a child.
Trees are among the most constant and varied of humanity’s companions. From the sacred banyan tree of India to the fragrant cedar of Lebanon, they offer us refuge and inspiration (not to mention the raw materials for the manufacture of all kinds of articles, from aspirin to silk, space shuttles to telephone lines). In “Around the World in 80 Trees” Jonathan DRORI travels through time and across cultures, using up-to-date scientific data to demonstrate that trees play a role in all areas of human life. The stories range from the romantic to the unfortunate. Some illuminate the surprising historical relationships between people and species apparently well known to us, such as elm and beech. Others show the exotic and the extraordinary, such as the explosive Sandbox tree or the curious Polynesian tree, which accumulates an enormous amount of metal.
Games the whole Family can Play
Everyone closes their eyes and, on the count of 3, imitates the sound of a farm animal.
Then they open their eyes and try to guess which animal was imitated and which person made the sound. The fun is to change the sound of the voice so that it is a lot more difficult to recognise.
Con un papel en blanco el primero dibuja una línea, el siguiente continúa el dibujo por esa línea y así cada uno continuando por turnos hasta que entre todos consideremos que el dibujo esté acabado. Aconsejo que cada uno tenga un color diferente así podemos reconocer nuestra parte del dibujo y quedará mucho más colorido. Simple pero muy divertido.
Ideal para las sobremesas y jugar de dos en dos. Los vasos u otros objetos harán de portería y algún tapón, chapa o cualquier otra cosa pequeña que se deslice fácilmente hará de pelota. Los jugadores serán nuestros dedos que lanzarán la pelota en 3 toques a la portería contraria.
Sudoku for seniors
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Asociación ProDunas Marbella
The Association works tirelessly for the defence and preservation of the unique ecosystems that survive in the natural sand dune environments in the Province of Málaga; promotes the protection of native flora and small wildlife; promotes recovery, rehabilitation and conservation of interesting biodiversity of sand dunes areas in the municipality of Marbella.