Project: Recovery and Rehabilitation of the embryonic mobile dune “El Pinillo”, Marbella
Our goal is focusing on the recovery of the entire ridge of this dune between the Segundo stream to the Opium Beach Club.
This has been a dream of ProDunas since 2014 – obviously without much success. It looks like the time is right now to get started on this project. All the Public Administration Bodies involved are in agreement and on the same page.
We have made a start with our Volunteers from the Fundatul and the Asociación Valores de San Pedro teams on eradicating the Cat’s Claw; the False Mimosa and the stands of Giant Reed which have taken over this embryonic dune and which must be eradicated before any serious reforestation can get started. We needed 2 workers from the Environment Delegation with their backhoes because these plants had got too big for us to dig out.
We will need time and drive to recover the entire area. The false Mimosa surges back with a vengeance, sprouting more than 10 times for every plant removed.
Wish us luck – we will need it!
But the results will be worth it. A new dune environment will be included in the Ecological Reserve of the Marbella Dunes. The struggle is worth it. . . counting on the full support of the Delegation of the Environment and Beaches of the Marbella City Council
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Asociación ProDunas Marbella
The Association works tirelessly for the defence and preservation of the unique ecosystems that survive in the natural sand dune environments in the Province of Málaga; promotes the protection of native flora and small wildlife; promotes recovery, rehabilitation and conservation of interesting biodiversity of sand dunes areas in the municipality of Marbella.