ProDunas wants to feel useful these days, so we has set out to design a page on our website with suggestions to liven up the day to day grind during these weeks of lockdown.
We will publish suggestions for people of all ages: reading material, films and drawings, so that the especially the smallest ones in the house can, for example, spend some time colouring in the drawings. We are thinking of all the children who are stuck at home. This way they can learn something about the Marbella dunes.
If you would like to take part, please colour the drawings in this page and send them back by email to: Please indicate the name and age of the child, and the school s/he goes to. When our lives get back to normal, we will publish the drawings on this same page – we will consult with the Teachers and put together an evaluation Jury with those who would like to help. We look forward to receiving your drawings and we hope you like this idea.
If there is another category you would like us to include, please send us an email with your suggestion: – we will try to include it the following weeks.
Pictures to colour
Books and Magazines
With more than three million copies sold, The Last Proof-reader has become Matilde Asensi’s most relevant novel so far and, without a doubt, one of the most important works in modern day Spanish.
From the Vatican City’s secret archive, Sister Ottavia Salina, an internationally renowned palaeographer, faces a strange enigma: deciphering the tattoos that were found on the corpse of an Ethiopian. With the help of a Captain of the Swiss Guard and an archaeologist from Alexandria, Ottavia will have to discover who is behind the theft in churches around the world of the relics of the Vera Cruz, the Cross of Christ.
Originally published in 1813, Pride and Prejudice is one of the all-time masterpieces of English literature.
Jane Austen describes a gallery of characters to create a perfect and subtle portrait of the time: the adventures of a lady determined to marry off her daughters to the best match in the region, the emotional ups and downs of the sisters, the opportunism of a fawning cleric … The tracing of the characters and the analysis of human relationships subject to a rigid social code, key elements of the author’s narrative, mean that Pride and Prejudice reaches levels of unsurpassed mastery.
How did our species prevail in the struggle for existence? Why did our hunter/gatherer ancestors come together to create cities and kingdoms? How did we come to believe in gods, nations, or human rights; to trust money, books or the law? How did we become subjected to bureaucracy, schedules and consumerism? And what will the world be like in the millennia to come?
From animals to gods, Yuval Noah Harari traces a brief history of humanity from the first humans who walked on Earth to the radical and sometimes devastating advances made by the three great revolutions that our species has led: the cognitive, the agricultural and the scientific.
Films for family viewing
‘The Lorax’ is an adaptation of a children’s book by Dr. Seuss (American cartoonist and poet) first published in 1971. It tells the complicated situation the environment is going through and focuses on the character of The Lorax, who talks to trees and plants. As an opponent, we have the greedy and evil character of Once-ler, who wants to destroy nature.
The film is a fable against industrialised society that constantly endangers the balance of nature by using two characters who become the personification of good and evil.
This time, the ‘players’ return to the game, but their characters have interchanged with each other, which gives the story an interesting twist: the same heroes but with different appearances. But where are the rest of the people? Participants have only one option: play this dangerous game once more to find out what is really going on.
Family games
Draw two horizontal and two vertical lines on a sheet of paper, forming a 9-space grid. Taking turns, each player puts an X or an O in one of the boxes, trying to make a vertical, horizontal or diagonal line. The trick is to stop your opponent making an entire line while you get to finish one! This game now exists as an app. You can also make one out of cardboard and play with different colored buttons.
Every child and adolescent carried a yo-yo in their pockets 90s. You hold the yo-yo with your non-dominant hand, your index finger through the line. That line then wraps around the yo-yo and your finger once. Then the line is wound two or three times “under” your finger creating a knot. Then move your hand up and down so that the yo-yo rises and falls. That is one of the games, others are to make shapes in the air with the business end of the yo yo.
This is an ideal game to play as a family. Each member of the family takes the role (clothing, manner of speaking and position) and imitates one of the others.
Where´s Wally?
Sudoku for seniors
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Asociación ProDunas Marbella
The Association works tirelessly for the defence and preservation of the unique ecosystems that survive in the natural sand dune environments in the Province of Málaga; promotes the protection of native flora and small wildlife; promotes recovery, rehabilitation and conservation of interesting biodiversity of sand dunes areas in the municipality of Marbella.